Düsseldorf Düsseldorf Düsseldorf

We provide the best
experience and service
in mobile enviroment

We provide the best experience
and service in mobile enviroment

About Us

778mobile is dynamic and international value added service provider based in Düsseldorf, Germany. Our ongoing growing company provides a variety of mobile innovations and solutions to customers worldwide. We are fully engaged in offering an extensive range of mobile entertainment services including Direct to Consumer content, online marketing and advertising.

778mobile is able to offer our clients the entire package for a value added service. We provide development, management and distribution for any particular desired content.

Moreover, we are not only providing for B2C products but also for B2B clients, which are specializing in advertising for various content providers.

778 mobile offers a payment via mobile carrier, which is one of the most effectual way of monetizing the traffic. If you are not sure how your business may perform more profit, we are here to help you, by connecting your products with carrier billing and taking care for the online marketing and the micro payment management.

What we do?


Marketing & Design

We provide strategic and creative insight that allows you to look at things from a different perspective, regardless of whether you are developing a new product, refreshing strategy or finding an original way to stay ahead of the competition by driving them to improve customer communication, build brand awareness and increase customer loyalty.


Technical Development

We develop technological solutions aimed at simplifying mobile payments, by providing mobile operators, technology and advice to guarantee the best mobile experience. With experienced back end developers, we can build bespoke functionality that helps you achieve your goals


Product Innovation

With our long-term experience in content business, we are able to get the product directly from our premium partner. We have not only license the valuable product but also modify it and optimize it, based on the exchange of experiences and feedback of our mobile enduser. The result is that the product is unique, tailored and innovative.

Web Application

Global Expand

Our close and global partnerships with carriers across the world put us in a unique position to offer many innovative solutions to our customers.

Carrier Billing

778mobile is using a very simple and innovative payment method, which allows purchasing of digital products. The end-user does not need to provide any personal details. All needed information provides the mobile carrier. These kinds of transactions not only maximizing entire sales volumes and profit but they are also secure and fast. What we can is maximizing!

778 mobile GmbH
Färberstrassse 150
DE-40223 Düsseldorf - Germany
HRB 79227
USt-IdNr: DE303966009

© 2018 by 778 mobile - Mobile Content Distribution. All rights reserved.

Privacy Policy

Contact: cuca@778mobile.com






Customer Care:


778 mobile GmbH | Färberstrassse 150 | DE-40223 Düsseldorf - Germany | HRB 79227 | USt-IdNr: DE303966009 |

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